We are the last site about Dark Colony on the Internet! - Please send dotation 1 EUR - thanks a lot! :)
48% [36/75] EUR
69% [52/75] EUR
33% [50/150] EUR
100% [100/100] EUR
We have just received a distress call from our HEADQUARTERS on EARTH.
The website darkcolony.pl needs your HELP!
Although the site no longer publishes new content, its moderators make their best efforts to maintain the content. This is the LAST SITE on the Internet devoted to DARK COLONY, the cult game. It is like a sarcophagus which gathers information and materials about DARK COLONY from all over the galaxy.
It's worth noticing that a few years ago GOG.COM wanted to cooperate with us on the refreshed version of the game. Unfortunately, they were unable to acquire the full rights to publish the title for legal reasons. However, all this shows the game's potential and it's still possible that one day DARK COLONY will join the respectable library of GOG.COM games.
The website darkcolony.pl is moderated for free but there are unavoidable costs resulting from its maintaining. In order to have full control over the published materials and content the decision was made not to transfer the website to social networking sites that could find the game content too brutal and not in line with today's standards.
I'd like to request to take up a collection of PETRA-7 (there may be money too) in support of the darkcolony.pl website devoted to a cult game DARK COLONY. It costs nearly 100 EUR a year to maintain the server and domain. If you love this game and don't want the memory of it to be lost, please support! It's enough to donate just 1 EUR - seriously!
ozi_ns10/09/2023 00:07 spróbuj na nowo wgrać grę. Zaliczyłem plansze 3 razy każdorazowo zmieniając taktykę i żdnego błedu.
ozi_ns10/09/2023 00:05 Jedyne co wtedy ma miejsce to zmiana pory dnia. w tej misji skrypty są tylko na podstawie czasu wiec twoje działania nie mogą powodować błedu.
maranta05/09/2023 18:34 Lol... jak dropbox to zrobił XD